
Book Review: The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

Title: The Wise Man’s Fear

Author: Patrick Rothfuss

Series: The Kingkiller Chronicles #2

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5/5 stars!

The Overview: Day Two of the Kingkiller Chronicle, an escalating rivalry with a powerful member of the nobility forces Kvothe to leave the University and seek his fortune abroad. Adrift, penniless, and alone, he travels to Vintas, where he quickly becomes entangled in the politics of courtly society. While attempting to curry favor with a powerful noble, Kvothe uncovers an assassination attempt, comes into conflict with a rival arcanist, and leads a group of mercenaries into the wild, in an attempt to solve the mystery of who (or what) is waylaying travelers on the King’s Road.

All the while, Kvothe searches for answers, attempting to uncover the truth about the mysterious Amyr, the Chandrian, and the death of his parents. Along the way, Kvothe is put on trial by the legendary Adem mercenaries, is forced to reclaim the honor of the Edema Ruh, and travels into the FAe realm. There he meets Felurian, the faerie woman no man can resist, and who no man has ever survived…until Kvothe.

The Review:

I wont officially declare this until I read the last book, but “The Kingkiller Chronicles” is a strong contender for my top 10 favorite series list. These books exceed all my expectations for a good fantasy: characters that are so well-rounded they come alive, a world that is so vivid that I felt like I’ve been there, a writing style that is so evoking I find myself laughing and crying on emotional highs and lows with the main character. I loved these books and I can see myself rereading them for years to come. Heck, I almost reread them as soon as I was finished.

My favorite thing about this author (and there are many things I loved) is his knack for producing the unexpected. Things happen that have you reeling in your armchair hours after you read them, and I have yet to pick up another book that does that as well.

The only contrast I can provide is between books 1 and 2. This second installment is every bit as entertaining as the first, but it includes a lot more sexuality. While the first book might be appropriate for some younger readers, the second book would have parents out for my blood if I recommended it. That said, I think it follows the natural progression of the character as he strives to become a man, and thought (from a developmental standpoint) that it was incredibly well-done.

Overall, these are well worth your time to read. Twenty years from now, we’ll be looking back and admiring Rothfuss for his profound effect on the fantasy world. Yeah, he’s that good. I’m so glad that everything I loved in book 1 remains true in book 2.

by Niki Hawkes

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3 comments on “Book Review: The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

  1. This book is hilarious. When I read it, I was so sucked in, 1100 pages just completely zipped by in three days. And you know what? At the end of it, when I sat down to simmer in the story, I realized almost nothing of overall significance occurs, and pretty much everything I wanted to know at the end of book one has to now be answered in book three. Does this book make any impact on the overall story? Not in the least. Did I enjoy it? Every. Single. Page. Lol.


    • Hahaha – oh my gosh that sums up my experience exactly! That’s why he rules – I’m totally entertained by the everyday stuff. I will say I loved the character with the hand language… Cracked me up!


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