
Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far In 2014

top ten tuesday

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Yay – this week is one of my favorite topics. I love geeking out about books I’ve already read, and there’ve been some good ones this year! Around May 2013, I decided it was time to start focusing more on the books at the top of my reading list and less on the ones that felt like obligations. I’ve stuck to it, and because of that have had the best twelve months of reading since I was a kid – a state of being I’d like to continue through the foreseeable future. :-)

Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far In 2014

I had so many favorites that it was difficult picking out ten for this list… definitely a problem I want to have. Also, I don’t think it be fair to ask me to pick an absolute favorite – it would be impossible to choose! I love them all.

Here’s to another six months of superb reading!

 What’s the best book you’ve read this year?

15 comments on “Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far In 2014

    • Aw, man – anything by larke would be at the top of my recommend list for you – her fantasy world building is right up there with Sanderson in my opinion, and that’s saying something!


  1. Woah! I totally didn’t expect ANYONE else to have Dragonsong on their list! I went through a huge Anne McCaffrey phase over the past year haha. And I can’t get enough of Sarah J. Maas – The Assassin’s Blade are the only novellas I’ve really read before, and man. They are essential to the story! I’m so glad I read them in between ToG and CoM because they make all the difference. And last but not least OH MY GOD KUSHIEL!! Seriously between Kushiel’s Dart and Dragonsong, you must me like my sci-fi/fantasy soul mate. The Kushiel series has probably my favourite world building of all time. And Joscelin is so darn swoony!


    • OMG – book soul mates indeed! I honestly didn’t expect anyone to appreciate the older fantasy stuff I included this week. I’ve been in a mccaffrey phase too! And joscelin – best book boyfriend ever, lol. And you spoke my thoughts word for word about Assassins Blade. This is so cool! Nice to meet you, and I think we’re going to get along haha. :)


  2. So many fantasy books on this list! I have a copy of The Assassin’s Blade but I haven’t read through it yet because I read the four first novellas last year before CoM during my ToG re-read. So many fantasy books here though. (Only a few are on my TBR). I’m going to check them out, also a new follower! Great list!


    • Yeah, it seems no matter how many YA books I read (and love) fantasy novels just do it for me. It sounds like you might not even need to do a complete read through of AB (unless it’s for fun) because I think you’re only missing one story. Weren’t they great? They made me a believer lol. Thank you for the follow :)


    • Oh wow, in my opinion the novellas were the best of the series so far. I really hope you enjoy book 1 a lot better. Not a drop was fantastic!! It hit me when I didn’t think I could love yet another dystopian lol.


  3. Agree with Words of Radiance. Between that and I just read The Way of Kings (prior to reading WoR) I haven’t even reached 10 this year. But those Sanderson books are tops.


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