
Coming Soon: Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson

like a river glorious by rae carsonTitle: Like a River Glorious

Author: Rae Carson

Series: Gold Seer Trilogy #2

Genre: Teen Fantasy / Historical Fiction

Release Date: September 27, 2016

The Overview: After a harrowing journey across the country, Leah Westfall and her friends have finally arrived in California and are ready to make their fortunes in the Gold Rush. Lee has a special advantage over the other new arrivals in California—she has the ability to sense gold, a secret known only by her handsome best friend Jefferson and her murdering uncle Hiram. Lee and her friends have the chance to be the most prosperous settlers in California, but Hiram hasn’t given up trying to control Lee and her power. Sabotage and kidnapping are the least of what he’ll do to make sure Lee is his own. His mine is the deepest and darkest in the territory, and there Lee learns the full extent of her magical gift, the worst of her uncle, and the true strength of her friendships. To save everyone, she vows to destroy her uncle and the empire he is building—even at the cost of her own freedom. – Goodreads

Waiting on Wednesday
Hosted by Breaking the Spine

Carson’s Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy is my all time favorite teen fantasy series, and I have to say, even though the Walk on Earth a Stranger leaned more towards historical fiction than fantasy, I enjoyed it immensely. This author writes amazing characters, compelling plot lines, and completely immerses her readers into the stories. I have no doubt Like a River Glorious will be just as good – September 27th can’t come too soon!

What book are you waiting on?

 by Niki Hawkes

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