
Top Ten Underrated Fantasy Authors!

top ten tuesday

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

 I did a TTT similar to this many moons ago so I need to apologize to the handful of you who have been following me since then. I normally don’t repeat topics, but I strongly feel that these authors deserve just as much of a spotlight as the well-known mainstream authors (if not more). Talking about brilliant authors most people haven’t discovered yet is why I love being a bookseller and a book blogger. It’s impossible to read all the books, so you might as well read the best. I should point out that these authors may not be technically “underrated” but they are certainly deserving of more recognition!

Top Ten Underrated Fantasy Authors!

 Not only are these epic, well-rounded fantasies, but also happened to be among my all-time favorites. Their writing, plots, characters, and world-building are phenomenal and on par with (and in some cases better than) any other fantasies on the market. These authors deserve kudos for their amazing story-telling, and I plan to continue championing them for as long as I can. If you love fantasy and need some good reading, this is a great place to start!

by Niki Hawkes

5 comments on “Top Ten Underrated Fantasy Authors!

  1. I’ve read a couple of these books, and I like Carey’s series, including the sort of related Moirin’s Trilogy, and the urban fantasy Santa Olivia series. But I know why a lot of people don’t like her–she’s not conservative with her relationships and sex scenes at all.


    • You know, you make a really good point about the Carey books. I love the story, world building, and characters so much that I manage to forget that important detail when talking about them. I’ve not read Olivia’s books yet, but their premises sound right up my alley.


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