
Top Ten Books I Want to Own!

top ten tuesday

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I love buying books. And lucky for all of you, I also love talking about buying books. Being a bookseller for eleven years can really take a toll on your bank account (and shelves), and I’m sure all of you book lovers can imagine how difficult it was to show restraint (I’ve heard it compared to allowing an alcoholic to work in a bar). Because I’ve been collecting for so long, my library is pretty extensive and there are not many books I want to read that I don’t already own. That is why everything on my list are either new or upcoming releases (with the sole exception of Independent Study – I absolutely loved it, but didn’t like books 1 or 3 nearly as much… to buy, or not to buy?).

Top Ten Books I Want to Own!

 As I’ve been working really hard towards becoming a conservative book buyer (it has been really painful), I started a Read 4, Buy 1 system and it has actually been working! Not only do I feel like I get a reward every fourth book, but it keeps a steady stream of books arriving at my doorstep (happies!!!). It has also turned me into a much more careful book buyer. Before, I would buy anything and everything I thought I might want to read one day. And not just book 1, but the entire series! As you can imagine, I found myself in a lot of trouble when I figured out I didn’t like the first book as much as I thought I would. Now, unless it’s a new book from an author I already love, I make a point to read new authors before I buy them. My collection has grown so much more special now that I’m bringing home only the “best” books. To make a long story short, five of the books above are from authors I love while the other five books are ones I’ve already read… awesome! lol

What books would you like to own? Any from my list?

by Niki Hawkes

15 comments on “Top Ten Books I Want to Own!

    • Not a drop to drink was one of the best books I’ve read this year so far – if you like dystopians, you can’t go wrong! and Talon – I need to get a hold of one like now! LOL. :-)


    • Thank you! It was really difficult to get on board at first, but it has really been working for me – I don’t feel cheated out of buying books but have definitely become more careful. And fire and thorns is easily my all-time favorite teen fantasy series!! Have you read the stories yet? I’m super eager to get my hands on them. :-)


  1. Midnight Thief looks intriguing. I would completely screw up any attempts at a read 4, buy 1 scheme as soon as book fair season rolls around. I have bought very few new books this year, but my TBR shelf seems to grow exponentially because people give me books and I go to book fairs. Great list. Here’s mine.


    • Ha ha ha, trust me, I’ve screwed it up plenty of times… I put in an addendum that books that are “killer deals” are always fair game. ;-) midnight thief was excellent! It had story elements that have been done over and over again but never quite this well in my opinion. :-)


    • Jewel was awesome! It had the great world building and complex (sort of) story that cass’s selection trilogy lacked. It was great. And Talon – dragons rock! Can’t wait to read that one either. :-)


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