
Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Framable Book Covers!


 Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish once a week where book bloggers can network and find out what everybody else is reading. It is super fun, so if you haven’t participated yet you might be missing out! Of all the TTTs, this is probably one of my absolute favorites because I LOVE beautiful book covers. Most on my list are adult novels, but I could easily do a YA list with nothing but girls in pretty dresses. Incidentally, the insides of these choices were, for the most part, just as awesome as the outsides! :)

Top Ten Framable Book Covers!

A one

I read the entire series based off of this cover alone, and you know what – I loved it! Luis Royo is by far my favorite artist and I will read anything he does the cover art for!

A two

This is the cover for the fourth book of one of my all time favorite series. Not a lot of people know that Dawn Cook is an alias of Kim Harrison- I didn’t catch on myself until after about five years of wondering “Is Dawn Cook ever going to come out with something new?” Each book got better and better, and so did the covers (the originals, anyway. The new ones they are marketing this series with are painfully ugly).

A three

Yup, I totally picked this up based solely on the beautiful cover. I am glad I did, too, because it was a breath of fresh air in the urban fantasy genre.


Speaking of urban fantasies, Patricia Briggs is one of the best out there and this happens to be (after some serious deliberation) my favorite cover art of the series – although they are each beautiful in their own way – I could have easily included her more than once.

A five

 The moment I saw this cover I went “Ooh! I definitely want to read this!” To this day it is still one of my favorite love stories. I consider it a must-read for fans of the teen genre.


This is yet another cover done by Luis Royo and is simultaneously my favorite series by Julie E. Czerneda. Gorgeous! And intriguing…


I’ve come to realize that everybody pictures dragons in a slightly different manner. Whoever did the artwork for this series captured perfectly the way I envision them – this one’s the best.

A seven to

I wasn’t a huge fan of the original covers, but when they started re-releasing them with new artwork I kick myself for not buying them in hardcover. Beautiful art that captures scenes in the books with excellent motion and perspective – Loves!

A nine

Michael Whelan did the artwork for this series and, as I mentioned in my “Dragon Obsession – The Visual Files” post it is still one of my favorite Dragon artwork. I have tried to re-create it through several mediums but it never turns out quite right. Although it’s only been within the last few years that I’ve noticed the Dragon kind of looks like the giant cockroach alien on Men in Black…

A 10

It’s funny, when I first was considering this topic I figured more than half of the books on my list would be from the teen genre. It surprised me how many fantasy books made the list. In any case, of all the teen books out there this is my favorite cover. It saddens me because it was later replaced by one I don’t like near as well.

 Honorable mentions:

Seeing these three covers in my school library when I was 10 years old inspired me to get good enough at readings so that I could one day pick them up. I couldn’t possibly have a favorite cover list without including them!

What books made your list?