Coming Soon: Magician’s End

may 14, feistTitle: Magician’s End

Author: Raymond E. Feist

Series: Chaoswar Saga #3

Genre: Fantasy

Release Date: May 14, 2013

The OverviewDiscover the fate of the original black Magician, Pug, as prophecy becomes truth in the last book of the Riftwar Cycle. (Yup, that’s the entire overview. Dun dun DUUUUN!)

Nik’s Notes: I’ve long considered Feist my favorite author… at least up until the last year or so, where I’ve discovered a couple I like even more. In any case, he definitely makes my top 5, and I use it as my go-to when recommending books to people. Whether you’re new to fantasy or have been reading it for years, these should be on your must-read list! I am sad that the saga is finally coming to an end, and can honestly say I’ve enjoyed every single last book thus far. I guess I’ll just have to go back and reread them (right, like I’m actually going to have time to do that with my colossal TBR pile! One can dream, though….). 

Book Review: Daughter of the Empire by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts

Title: Daughter of the Empire

Author: Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts

Series: Kelewan Empire #1

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5/5 stars! :-)

The Overview: Magic and murder engulf the realm of Kelewan.  Fierce warlords ignite a bitter blood feud to enslave the empire of Tsuranuanni.  While in the opulent Imperial courts, assassins and spy-master plot cunning and devious intrigues against the rightful heir.  Now Mara, a young, untested Ruling lady, is called upon to lead her people in a heroic struggle for survival.  But first she must rally an army of rebel warriors, form a pact with the alien cho-ja, and marry the son of a hated enemy.  Only then can Mara face her most dangerous foe of all–in his own impregnable stronghold.  An epic tale of adventure and intrigue.  Daughter of the Empire is fantasy of the highest order by two of the most talented writers in the field today.

The Review:

This is a strong contender as my favorite book of all-time. It has all the elements that make a book great: strong characters, excellent world-building, masterful writing, and a page-turning story. If any of you aren’t familiar with Feist’s Riftwar saga, the arc of the series involves one world (Midkemia) being invaded by another world (Kelewan) from across a magical rift. The invading soldiers are known as the Tsurani, and Feist talks a lot about them in his second book, Magician: Master. What the Kelewan Empire trilogy does is take you deep into the Tsurani’s world, following the life of a young woman within it. I LOVED this trilogy. It was such a gripping story that I literally could not put it down!

The main character is both dynamic and endearing, and I found her completely fascinating as she develops throughout each book. The world-building was outright fantastic, and arguably the best element of this series. It’s been ten years since I read them, and I can still remember Kelewan in vivid detail. New flora and fauna, new architecture, new politial/religious systems – Feist and Wurts obviously  spent a lot of time developing, and really made the world come to life! Because of this trilogy, they are without a doubt my favorite writing duo.

Overall, it was an amazing trilogy that I will forever hold on a pedestal. It definitely tops my Best Fantasy Book Bulletin!

Recommendations: If you’re new to Feist’s works, I recommend you read Magician: Apprentice and Magician: Master first before switching over to this trilogy, then continue on with “Silverthorn.” Even though these were my all-time favs, the Riftwar saga also makes the top ten list and are definitely worth reading!!

by Niki Hawkes

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